Τετάρτη 1 Μαΐου 2024

Αντέστε και γαμηθείτε όλοι σας λαμόγια. When Turkey attacks will you come and help, Guy;;


Stfu kiddo. We didn't stole these systems. We bought them and we need them to counter the turkish aggression. Ask USA for those. They have plenty of them. So stop pointing your finger to us.

And of course Greece has no obligation to send more weapons and equipment to Ukraine. She has already sent a lot. If the western states supported that much Cyprus, the Turks would never have done the invasion back to 1974. It's time Ukrainians to fight for their existence.

Greece has been burned in the past by almost everybody. Hopefully the Greeks have learned from History and protect themselves fully.

Here the Russians deliver gas to their enemies, Ukraine is still supplied with natural gas directly by the Russians, and the Poles are supplied indirectly through the Germans.  And they want us to give it to him our weapon systems?? Fuck you.

The West has let all its military stockpiles in Ukraine go waste (mostly unnecessarily). It even delivered cutting-edge products, much of which ends up on the black market and goes back to black projects like ISIS. West people are already doing everything they can to lose the coming war, because what they offer Ukraine is gone and thanks to the self-created chip shortage, it can no longer be reproduced.

The only real consequence of a fake war, that is, a war that is also predetermined in its outcome, is that it is clear who will win in the end.

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