China's NYC-Sized 'Earthquake Warning System' Array Sounds More Like A Way To Talk To Submarines
ΣΧΟΛΙΟ ΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ : Πολύ σημαντική είδηση, οι Σίνες προετοιμάζονται εδώ και καιρό συστηματικά και μεθοδικά ,για την επερχόμενη σύγκρουση με τις Η.Π.Α και τους συμμάχους τους.Διαβάζοντας αυτό...." The ability of ELF radio waves to penetrate hundreds of feet of water has long made them attractive as a way of communicating with submerged submarines." δεν μπορώ παρά να σκεφτώ ένα διπλό κέρδος για τους Κινέζους, και να μπορούν να επικοινωνούν με τα δικά τους υποβρύχια.....αλλά και να εντοπίζουν τις θέσεις των εχθρικών υποβρυχίων.Ουδέποτε στην ιστορία Οδύσσεια (Η.Π.Α) ναυτική δύναμη έχει νικήσει Αχίλλειο
χερσαία δύναμη σε κατά μέτωπο μάχη, σε στεριά, αέρα, η θάλασσα. Εκτός αν
ο πολυμήχανος Οδυσσέας χρησιμοποιήσει την τέχνη του Αχιλλέα (Κίνα) δηλαδή τα δικά του τεχνάσματα.Σε περίπτωση σύγκρουσης μιας Αχίλλειας με μιας Οδύσσειας δύναμης, σε χερσαίο έδαφος, και ενώ η Οδύσσεια δύναμη βρίσκεται σε υποχώρηση, ο
καλύτερος τρόπος διαφυγής είναι το ποτάμι, η θάλασσα. Αν αυτά τα δύο δεν
υπάρχουν τότε η σφαγή θα είναι μεγαλύτερη για τις Οδύσσειες δυνάμεις.Αυτό να μην το ξεχάσουν εκεί στις Η.Π.Α όταν έρθει η ώρα. Οι Έλληνες, ανήκουν σε ένα γένος που συνδυάζει τον ηπειρωτικό Αχιλλέα
και τον θαλάσσιο Οδυσσέα εξίσου καλά και σε απίστευτα γρήγορες
εναλλαγές, αυτό ίσως οφείλεται στο ίδιο το τοπίο όπου γεννιούνται αυτοί
οι άνδρες.
China has
reportedly constructed a massive extremely low frequency, or ELF,
antenna array the size of New York City, as well as a smaller system and
associated data processing and signal transmission facilities at
various locations throughout the country. Officially, the entire system,
known as Project Wireless Electromagnetic Method or Project WEM, will
support the Chinese resource extraction industry and provide early
warning about potential earthquakes. However, there is significant
evidence that its primary function may actually be to provide long-range communication with Chinese submarines, a critical capability to support its growing number of nuclear-armed ballistic missile boats.
The South China Morning Postprovided the update
on Project WEM on Dec. 31, 2018. The antenna arrays and other sites
have been more than decade in the making, with the program being a major
component of China’s 11th Five Year Plan,
which began in 2006. However, China has been especially secretive about
the project and has not officially disclosed the location of the main
array. Available information points to the bulk of Project WEM being
situated within the country’s central Huazhong region, according to the Post.
ELF radio waves
have a proven ability to penetrate deep below water and the ground. In
principle, this means that a huge antenna array could be useful in
detecting natural resources underground, such as precious metals or
fossil fuels. Mining companies already employ ground-penetrating radar and laser imaging systems for similar purposes.
might also be possible to use such a system to monitor movement below
the Earth’s surface. This, in turn, might provide early indications of
impending earthquakes, which are not uncommon in many areas of the country. The deadliest known earthquake of all time occurred in China in the 16th century, killing between 820,000 and 830,000 people based on Ming Dynasty records.
AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein
A worker at a Chinese coal mine in Inner Mongolia.
There is very real scholarship on ELF’s application in both of these civilian roles and Chinese researchers have published work on these topics. Project WEM’s funding also came via government budgets for civilian projects, according to the Post.
at the same time, there is significant information that suggests that
any civilian applications may be of secondary importance to the Chinese
government. The ability of ELF radio waves to penetrate hundreds of feet
of water has long made them attractive as a way of communicating with submerged submarines.
By comparison, very low frequency,
or VLF, waves can only make it down to around 100 feet below water at
best. This means that submarines have to get relatively close to the
surface or deploy a towed antenna to use these types of communications
systems. There is a risk that doing so could give away their position
and make them vulnerable to opposing anti-submarine forces.
US Navy chart showing various submarine communications options and
their relative risk. The "bell" icon for VLF/ELF "stealth" transmissions
reflects that these are one-way only "bell ringers" typically used to
alert a submarine that it needs to find a safe place to get closer to
the surface to receive additional information.
One of the major benefits of modern submarines, especially nuclear-powered types and boats with advanced, non-nuclear air-independent propulsion
systems, is their ability to remain largely hidden underwater for
extended periods of time. This gives them inherent deterrent qualities.
It also makes them well suited to covertly collecting intelligence or, in the case of subs armed with conventional land attack or nuclear-capable missiles, to quietly positioning themselves for short- or no-notice strikes during a crisis.
it's not necessarily surprising that China’s 724 Research Institute,
part of the state-run China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), a
major supplier of communications and other electronics to the People’s
Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), has been responsible for the Project WEM
construction. Lu Jianxun, the project’s chief scientist, is also
publicly involved in advanced communications work for the PLAN, the Post reported.
Qiao Tianfu/Color China Photo/AP
A Chinese Type 091 nuclear-powered attack submarine.
President Hu Wenmin visited the site in May 2017. He “expressed his
appreciation for the construction of the WEM project and put forward
opinions and requirements for the follow-up development of the project
and the technical application in related fields,” a subsequent statement
from the company read. The Post
also published a translated map showing the various components of the
Project WEM system, which it said came from the PLAN. In addition to the
huge array in central China, there is also reportedly near the county’s
South China Sea coastline, which would put it relatively close to the
country’s main submarine base on Hainan Island.
PLAN via South China Morning Post
A map reportedly showing the general location over the various Project WEM components.
I am involved in the project, I have no idea where it is. It should be
up and running by now,” Chen Xiaobin, a researcher with the Institute of
Geology, China Earthquake Administration, told the Post,
indicating a level of security around the project that seems excessive
for its stated civilian aims. “This facility will have important
military uses if a war breaks out.”
Unfortunately, ELF systems are notoriously inefficient
and require large sites in very specific positions to provide any
reasonable communications capability. They are also limited in the
amount of information they can carry and how fast they can send it out,
transmitting text-only messages extremely slowly. Since submarines don’t
have the space required for their own ELF transmitters, these one-way
alerts often simply tell the boat’s crew to get safely into position to
receive actual instructions.
Only three other countries – the United States, Russia, and India
– have or have had ELF submarine communications sites. The U.S. Navy
shut down the last of its arrays in 2004, officially because they were
obsolete in light of improvements to very low frequency, or VLF, communications systems. The Navy's fleet of 16 E-6B Mercury strategic communications aircraft, together with ground-based VLF stations, presently provide the U.S. military's core means of communicating with deployed submarines.
A picture of the main building at the U.S. Navy's Clam Lake ELF transmitter facility in 1982.
The U.S. military still uses VLF waves to transmit so-called “Emergency Action Messages,” a key part of the nuclear strike process, which you can read about in more detail here.
The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon’s
top research and development arm, among others, has also been exploring
the potential for further improved laser- and space-based communication options.
Still, for China, which has the single largest submarine force on the planet,
being able to communicate with those boats without them needing to
surface or almost surface is essential capability. China had previously
built a super low frequency, or SLF, array in 2009 and subsequent demonstrated an initial capability to communicate with submerged submarines over long distances.
offers an additional way to at least alert any boats deep below the sea
that there are new orders or other information that they need to
receive. It also provides an extremely long-distance communication
capability, which will be valuable for the PLAN as it continues working
to grow from a regional force into a global one.
More importantly, though, Project WEM could be essential for the Chinese government’s development of its nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missile
(SLBM) deterrent capability. In that case, the ability of the ballistic
missile submarines, or SSBNs, to remain underwater for long periods of
time is vital to shielding them from detection and attack and ensuring
they are able to carry out their mission if necessary.
At present, the Chinese military does not have anywhere near the nuclear command and control infrastructure that the United States does in the air and on the ground.
One or more large ELF arrays would be a cost-effective means of
expanding communications options in the near term with regards to the
country's SSBN force, which is growing in size and scope.
In 2018, information emerged that pointed to China’s submarine-based nuclear deterrent being far more mature than publicly understood. In November 2018, one of the PLAN’s Type 094 Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines reportedly conducted the first test flight of the solid fuel JL-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile, which has an estimated range of close to 5,600 miles. The existing JL-2 can only hit targets around 4,350 miles away.
That same month, satellite imagery appeared
to show that the PLAN has four operational Type 094s and may have two
more under construction. China has not publicly confirmed how many Jin-class boats it has or is expecting to produce.
“China’s four operational Jin-class SSBNs represent China’s
first credible, sea-based nuclear deterrent,” the U.S. military said in
the 2018 edition of its annual China Military Power report. “China’s next-generation Type 096 SSBN, reportedly to be armed with the follow-on JL-3 SLBM, will likely begin construction in the early-2020s.”
any expanded Chinese submarine-based nuclear deterrent force to be
credible, it will increasingly require sufficient communications and
command and control architecture to go with it. The timeline of Project
WEM, which began the same year that the first Type 094 appeared in
public satellite imagery, is well in line with the kind of developments
one would expect to see. Placing the main array in central China also
makes it more difficult for opponents to target it during a crisis.
remains to be seen whether or not China continues to employ ELF
communications in the long run, or ultimately abandons it as the United
States has done in favor of other options. But Project WEM that the
country is willing to make significant investments in the technology now
to improve its ability to communicate with and control its vast and
growing submarines forces.
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