Japan's New Super-Sized Destroyer Will Help Defend Against Ballistic Missiles And More
ΣΧΟΛΙΟ ΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ : Τα λέγαμε και ΕΔΩ ." καλό για τους Αυστραλούς ,αλλά είμαι περίεργος τι θα κάνουν οι Ιάπωνες, διότι τώρα θα αναγκαστούν
να κάνουν ένα βήμα προς την δική τους άμυνα και προστασία....για να
μπορέσουν να συμβαδίσουν με την διαρκώς αυξανόμενη απειλή από την Κίνα.!! Σίγουρα θα πρέπει να περιμένουμε κίνηση από τους Ιάπωνες το επόμενο διάστημα." Η κίνηση έγινε...και αυτή είναι μόνο η αρχή.!!"...ΣΙΓΟΥΡΑ ΘΑ ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ..ΣΤΑ ΒΗΜΑΤΑ....ΤΗΣ ΙΑΠΩΝΙΑΣ.
apan Marine
United, or JMU, has launched the first example of a new subclass of
guided missile destroyers for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force,
which will significantly boost the country’s ballistic missile defense capabilities, particularly with regards to North Korea. At the same time, though, the ship will enhance Japan's ability to defend its own territorial claims and project naval power more broadly in East Asia and beyond.
The future JS Maya slipped into the water during a ceremony,
with Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera in attendance, at JMU’s shipyard
at Isogo Ward in Yokohama, near the Japanese capital Tokyo, on July 30,
2018. The destroyer is the first of two so-called 27DD or 27DDG ships, which are subvariants of theAtago-class that is already in Japanese service. The Atago-class is itself an evolution of the Kongō-class, which are derivatives of the U.S. Navy's Arleigh Burke-class,
but feature a better radar horizon due to the superstructure radar
placement being higher than it is on its American counterparts among
other changes.
The Japanese Defense Ministry unveiled plans for the new subclass in August 2015. Maya is set to enter service in 2020, with her as yet unnamed sister slated for commissioning in 2021.
Though derived from the same hullform as the Atagos,
the 27DDGs are bigger and heavier than their predecessors. The existing
destroyers have a standard displacement of around 7,700 tons, while the
new types will displace approximately 8,200 tons.
Kyodo via AP Images
The future JS Maya at JMU’s shipyard at Isogo Ward on July 30, 2018.
Perhaps the most notable feature of the 27DDG design is its improved combined diesel-electric and gas, or CODLAG,
propulsion system. In this configuration, the diesel engines for
propulsion and the generators for electrical power are combined into a
single system, improving power management and efficiency and reducing
maintenance requirements and operating costs.
This upgrade is a
necessity in order to provide electricity to simultaneously propel the
ship and supply power for the increasingly energy-hungry radars and
other mission systems found on modern guided missile destroyers. When it comes to the 27DDGs, the most immediate demands are the ship's advanced Aegis Baseline J7 combat system, which includes the AN/SPY-1D air search radar, as well as new Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) equipment.
Japan MoD via Navy Recognition
breakdown of the improvements found in the 27DDG subclass, which,
though in Japanese, clearly shows the addition of the CODLAG propulsion
system, written here as "COGLAG," but with the same meaning, and the CEC
networking equipment.
The existing Atagos
also use the Aegis Baseline J7 and AN/SPY-1D, but do not have the
networking functions that the CEC offers. The CEC is part of the U.S.
Navy’s broader Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) concept, which seeks to link all of that service’s ships, aircraft, and other assets together. Japan is also considering adding this network functionality to four E-2D Hawkeye airborne early warning and control aircraft it has on order from Northrop Grumman.
With the CEC systems, the 27DDGs,
will be able to more rapidly share information with each other, as well
as American ships during any potential crisis. This means the ships
could receive high quality targeting data from other assets with the
appropriate data links to cue their own surface-to-air missiles or
anti-ballistic missile interceptors, even beyond the range of their
onboard sensors. They could similarly provide that information to other
Japanese or allied assets directly or by way of other platforms, such as
the improved E-2Ds. Either way, this will be especially valuable in the
ship's primary air and missile defense role.
When it comes to the ship's
armament, when the 27DDGs enter service, they will likely have access to
the same basic arsenal as the Atagos. The 96 Mk 41 verticle launch system cells can accommodate the RIM-66 Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) surface-to-air missiles and RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM), as well as the RIM-161 Standard Missile-3
(SM-3) anti-ballistic missile interceptor. Each one of the cells can
actually accept four quad-packed ESSMs, dramatically increasing the
total number of weapons the ships can carry.
The new destroyers, along with their predecessors, will also eventually gain the ability to carry the still-in-development SM-3 Block II,
which the United States and Japan are developing together. This is a
much more capable anti-ballistic missile weapon than the existing SM-3s
and, despite its name, is essentially a new design.
A breakdown of the SM-3 Block IIA missile's configuration and the parts that both the United States and Japan are supplying.
When the two 27DDGs arrive, together with the two Atagos and the four Kongōs,
the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force will have a total of eight SM-3
Block II-capable Aegis-equipped ships. This will give it the ability to
maintain a much more persistent maritime-based missile defense posture,
which has become especially important in recent years given North
Korea’s rapid development of increasingly capable medium-range, intermediate-range, and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The North Koreans have also shown a tendency to fire these weapons over
the Japanese home islands, potentially putting Japanese citizens at
risk, even during tests where an unarmed missile might fail and then
fall into a populated area.
“In the past, the MSDF [Maritime
Self-Defense Force] used to send Aegis destroyers [to monitor missile
flights] only after it found some signs” that North Korea was preparing a
launch, retired Japanese Vice Admiral Toshiyuki Ito, who served as
commandant of the Kure Naval District, told The Japan Times.
“But the North started repeatedly test-firing missiles without any
advance signs. So the MSDF now needs to regularly deploy two Aegis
The Japanese Atago-class destroyer Ashigara.
On July 30, 2018, the same day JMU launched the future Maya, Japan also announced it would be buying a pair of Lockheed Martin Long Range Discrimination Radars to go along with its two planned Aegis Ashore
land-based ballistic missile defense sites. These facilities will also
be networked together with ships offshore, including those the CEC data
links and the first one could be operational by 2023, further expanding
the country’s missile defense shield.
But the 27DDGs could signal
the beginning of even more significant and far-reaching capabilities
for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. For years now, the Japanese
government has been instituting a steadily more active foreign policy involving its military and is coming closer all the time to amending the country’s pacificist constitution, which would allow it to deploy ships and other forces outside of missions that authorities can claim are self-defense related.
A US Navy Aegis Ashore facility.
addition to their extensive air and missile defense package, the ships
will come with an updated AN/SPQ-9B surface search radar optimized for
spotting and tracking low- and fast-flying targets, such as incoming
anti-ship cruise missiles. Coupled with vertical launch cells full of
quad-packed ESSMs, this could improve the ship's defenses while
operating off North Korea or while sailing into contested waters around Japan, such as the East China Sea, or further afield, such as the South China Sea.
Japanese and Chinese authorities dispute the ownership of certain islands in the former region and the government in Tokyo has increasingly joined other members of the international community in challenging Beijing’s claims
in the latter area. In the South China Sea specifically, China recently
installed new anti-aircraft and anti-ship defenses on some of its man-made outposts to further deny access to any potential opponent during a crisis.
On top of that, Japan has plans to add the increasingly impressive RIM-174 Standard Missile-6
(SM-6) to the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s surface ships, including
the 27DDGs, and possibly the Aegis Ashore sites. This weapon is fully
networked and has the ability to receive targeting data from off-board
sources, such as CEC/NIFC-CA equipped ships and aircraft.
A look at the components of the SM-6 missile, which leverages some of the technology from the older SM-2.
makes it a particularly capable surface-to-air missile against
air-breathing targets, but it also has the ability to defeat certain
kinds of ballistic missiles during the terminal stage of their flight.
Manufacturer Raytheon has now even demonstrated its abilities secondary
surface- and land-attack roles.
A mix of SM-2, SM-3, and SM-6
missiles could increase the flexibility of all of Japan’s Aegis
destroyers significantly. This would increase their capabilities when
acting independently or as part of a larger surface task force. The
latter role could become especially important in the coming years as
Japanese authorities look into modifying their Izumo-class “helicopter destroyers” into the short take-off vertical-landing aircraft carriers they’ve apparently always been at heart.
Any future Izumo carrier, loaded with F-35B Joint Strike Fighters and MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotors,
could dramatically change Japan’s power projection capabilities, but
would also need escorts. The 27DDGs, as well as the country’s other
Aegis destroyers, would undoubtedly be important parts of any such
strike groups.
Kyodo via AP Images
Japan's two Izumo-class "helicopter destroyers."
In July 2018, Japan announced that it would send the Izumo-class ship Kaga to the Indian Ocean by way of the South China Sea as part of a regional tour. This is the second year in a row
that the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force has done this, but it will
only send the vessel with a single escort, hardly enough to protect it
during an actual high-end conflict. The two ships are unlikely to even
make much of a serious show of force given how rapidly China is
expanding the size and capabilities of the People's Liberation Army Navy. The Chinese are in the process of building a fleet of at least six new, advanced Type 055 destroyers of their own.
even further into the future, the enlarged 27DDGs with their improved
power-generating capabilities are also better suited to accommodating
future upgraded systems. When the subclass first appeared in 2015, JMU
went so far as to suggest that the ships might receive solid-state laser close-in defense systems or even an electromagnetic railgun in the future.
Japan MoD via Navy Recognition
An artist's conception of a railgun installation on a 27DDG ship.
Japan MoD via Navy Recognition
Artist's conception of a solid-state laser close-in defense system on a 27DDG ship.
Of course, the U.S. Navy is exploring similar systems as possible additions to its own future surface ships, but has also increasingly come to the conclusion that its similarly sized Flight III Arleigh Burke-class ships simply do not have the physical space and power necessary for these upgrades. Japan may also hit the limits of the Atago-Maya hullform well before it gets around to installing any advanced weapons.
As it stands now, Japan does not even plan to purchase any additional 27DDG type ships beyond Maya
and her sister-ship. If the Japanese government decides to further
expand its military capabilities overall, though, the ships would offer
an existing and known type that could add additional capability even if
they turn out to have relatively limited room for further growth in the
long term.
With an individual price tag of around $1.5 billion, the 27DDGs are already cheaper than late generation Flight II Arleigh Burkes
and the design, or another derivative thereof, could offer a
cost-effective path to expanding or modernizing the Japanese fleet. The
youngest of the four Kongōs, the Chōkai has already been in service for 20 years.
Whatever the case, the future Maya
and her sister ship will be important additions to the Japan Maritime
Self-Defense Force, especially when it comes to deterring North Korea,
but also potentially in new roles as the size and scope of the country's
military continues to evolve.
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