ΣΧΟΛΙΟ ΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ : Έτσι για να δούνε μερικοί μερικοί ότι στο Ελλάντα τέτοιες ειδήσεις δεν τις λένε τα πληρωμένα απο τους χαζάρους Μ.Μ.Ε....αλλά και ότι τα αμερικανάκια θα πρέπει κάποια στιγμή να καταλάβουν τι φίδια τρέφουν στον κόρφο τους.Οι Αμερικάνοι δε φεύγουν μόνο από τη Συρία, αλλά από ολόκληρη τη Μ. Ανατολή και την Πρόσω Ασία.
Οι συνήθεις επιστάτες Ρώσσοι, θα αναλάβουν να φυλάνε το οικόπεδο και να καταβάλλουν το μίσθωμα.
Κατά την προσφιλή τους και δοκιμασμένη τακτική, οι Αμερικάνοι θα επιστρέψουν, όταν ολόκληρη η περιοχή θα έχει γίνει ίσωμα και έχοντας κερδίσει το παιχνίδι στον Ειρηνικό.Το Ισραήλ βαράει με τις πλάτες των Αμερικάνων, γι' αυτό και όντως δεν κουνιέται φύλλο.
Αλλά οι αμερικάνικες πλάτες κουράστηκαν να κουβαλάνε τους Εβραίους πάνω τους...και αυτοί να κάνουν συνέχεια τα δικα τους.
Και όπου νά' ναι θα τους απιθώσουν, στο λάκκο με τα ισπανικά κωλoδάχτυλα. (αμήν και πότε).Οι Εβραίοι δεν έχουνε πάρει γραμμή, ότι όταν αρχίσει το μεγάλο "γλέντι" κοινώς πόλεμος θα είναι μονάχοι τους.
Ούτε νύχι αμερικάνικο δε θα σπάσει για πάρτη τους...όχι τουλάχιστον μετά την αλλαγή που έγινε στις Η.Π.Α....Οπότε θα είναι αναγκασμένοι, η να αποδείξουν ότι μπορούν να κάνουν τα παχιά λόγια πράξη, η να εισπράξουν τα επίχειρα της υπεροψίας τους.

China will operate Haifa port, near Israel's alleged nuclear-armed submarines, and it seems no one in Israel thought about the strategic ramifications
Israeli, Chinese and Dutch officials sign agreements for foreign operation of Haifa and Ashdod ports, in 2015.
Οι συνήθεις επιστάτες Ρώσσοι, θα αναλάβουν να φυλάνε το οικόπεδο και να καταβάλλουν το μίσθωμα.
Κατά την προσφιλή τους και δοκιμασμένη τακτική, οι Αμερικάνοι θα επιστρέψουν, όταν ολόκληρη η περιοχή θα έχει γίνει ίσωμα και έχοντας κερδίσει το παιχνίδι στον Ειρηνικό.Το Ισραήλ βαράει με τις πλάτες των Αμερικάνων, γι' αυτό και όντως δεν κουνιέται φύλλο.
Αλλά οι αμερικάνικες πλάτες κουράστηκαν να κουβαλάνε τους Εβραίους πάνω τους...και αυτοί να κάνουν συνέχεια τα δικα τους.
Και όπου νά' ναι θα τους απιθώσουν, στο λάκκο με τα ισπανικά κωλoδάχτυλα. (αμήν και πότε).Οι Εβραίοι δεν έχουνε πάρει γραμμή, ότι όταν αρχίσει το μεγάλο "γλέντι" κοινώς πόλεμος θα είναι μονάχοι τους.
Ούτε νύχι αμερικάνικο δε θα σπάσει για πάρτη τους...όχι τουλάχιστον μετά την αλλαγή που έγινε στις Η.Π.Α....Οπότε θα είναι αναγκασμένοι, η να αποδείξουν ότι μπορούν να κάνουν τα παχιά λόγια πράξη, η να εισπράξουν τα επίχειρα της υπεροψίας τους.

China will operate Haifa port, near Israel's alleged nuclear-armed submarines, and it seems no one in Israel thought about the strategic ramifications
Shaul Horev dropped a bombshell, but hardly anyone noticed. Horev, an Israel Defense Forces
reservist brigadier general who has served, among other posts, as the
navy chief of staff and chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, is
currently director of the Research Center for Maritime Policy and
Strategy at the University of Haifa. At the end of August, the center
held a conference, to which participants from the United States were
invited, to examine security issues relating to Israel and the
Mediterranean region.
In an interview with
the religious-Zionist media outlet Arutz Sheva, Prof. Horev noted that
one topic that came up at the event was Chinese investments in
Mediterranean ports, and in Israel in particular. Pointing out that a
Chinese company will soon start operating Haifa Port, he said that
Israel needs to create a mechanism that will examine Chinese investments
to ensure that they do not put Israel’s security interests at risk.
“When China
acquires ports,” Horev said, “it does so under the guise of maintaining
a trade route from the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal to Europe, such
as the port of Piraeus in Greece. Does an economic horizon like this
have a security impact? We are not weighing that possibility
sufficiently. One of the senior American figures at the conference
raised the question of whether the U.S. Sixth Fleet can see Haifa as a
home port. In light of the Chinese takeover, the question is no longer
on the agenda.”
>> Read more: Trump's administration used to fight corruption in Guatemala. Then Guatemala moved its embassy to Jerusalem ■ Two prominent Jewish Republican donors cut GOP ties over Trump
Horev also noted that
the Americans are now turning most of their attention to the southern
China Sea and the Persian Gulf, at the expense of the Middle East. In a
period like this, he said, it would be right for Israel to bolster its
status as a strategic base for the Americans.

The Haifa conference was held in conjunction with
the conservative Washington-based Hudson Institute. Several of the
American participants were former senior Pentagon and navy personnel.
The remarks of the senior figure Horev quoted were sharper than the
polite tone he used. The Americans who were at the conference think
Israel lost its mind when it gave the Chinese the keys to Haifa Port.
Once China is in the picture, they said, the Israel Navy will not be
able to count on maintaining the close relations it has had with the
Sixth Fleet.
Chinese company SIPG won the bid to expand the Haifa Port three and a
half years ago. The project is slated to be inaugurated in 2021 and
calls for the Chinese company, which also operates the Port of Shanghai,
to run the Haifa Port for 25 years. Another Chinese firm won the bid to
build a new port at Ashdod.
Those decisions were
made by the Transportation Ministry and the Ports Authority, with zero
involvement of the National Security Council, and without the navy being
in the picture at all. The problem lies not only in the implications
that ties with the Chinese have for Israel’s relations with the United
States, which under the Trump administration is ramping up its rhetoric
on China because of the trade wars and tensions in the China Sea.
The civilian port in
Haifa abuts the exit route from the adjacent navy base, where the
Israeli submarine fleet is stationed (and which, according to foreign
media reports, maintains a second-strike capability to launch nuclear
missiles). As with Chinese involvement in other huge Israeli
infrastructure projects – such as the Mount Carmel tunnels and the
light-rail train in Tel Aviv – it seems as though no one involved in the
security or diplomatic arenas even stopped to think through the
strategic consequences of these moves.
is acquiring vast influence over essential infrastructures in Israel
and, indirectly, also a closer look at some of Israel’s military
capabilities. Over the years, that could place at Beijing’s disposal a
potential means of wielding pressure against Israel, if the latter
should endanger Beijing’s interests in the region.
In Chinese eyes, as I
have written before, Israel is barely a speck on the great world map.
China is looking to the long term, is building projects and expanding
ties as part of its “one belt, one road” initiative (aka, the “economic
Silk Road”): the strategy that aims to extend Beijing’s economic
influence and upgrade its global status. China is not necessarily
hostile to Israel, but its interests are tangled and complex, and
certainly don’t recall in any way those underlying the strong alliance
between America and Israel.
A good example: China’s close ties to Iran,
against the backdrop of its consumption of Iranian oil. The remarks of
the senior American figure quoted by Horev need to serve as a warning
light. Israel must upgrade its transportation infrastructures, and
there’s nothing wrong with improving its trade relations with China.
However, the question is whether the decisions that have been made took
into account all the relevant considerations – and the possible risks.
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