Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

A gift to the Russians....Launching of the missile by the Turks recorded below 2:02

ΣΧΟΛΙΟ ΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ : Στο  2:02 η εκτόξευση του πυραύλου εναντίων του ρώσικου μαχητικού, απο τούρκικο φυλάκιο  εναντίων του ρώσσικου  Su-24. Geolocation of the Turkish post the two missiles were launched from, by the one and only.
 Confirming that the building the MANPADS launched from is a Turkish post, in the corner you can note a Turkish BMC Kirpi guarding the enterince to the building with its remote weapons station active. Also you can note hesco-barriers usually installed around Turkish posts.
Να θυμούνται οι αναγνώστες μας τι λέγαμε ΕΔΩ : ...."  Αγκαλιά με τη Ρωσσία είναι ο θείος Σαμ. Μαζί θα σας σκυλεύσουν.".!!
The two missiles which targeted a Russian Su-24 over Idlib yesterday were for sure U.S.-made Stringer MANPADS. The sight of the system can be clearly reconized in the video.

2 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Excellent job. The right people are reading your site.



@ V.B

We'll have to get dirty so the world can stay clean...good night my friend.